Claude's Odyssey
Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu once said "The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" that was the philosophy Kildare man Claude Hetrich took on board when he and the rest of his buddies set of on their annual pilgrimage to............ no not Knock but to the oldest horse fair in Europe The Ballinasloe Horse Fair. Claude and the team set off from Kildare on the 25th of September on a not quite a thousand mile journey but just shy of 150 kilometres. I had an narrow escape (lucky bird shit episode) when I met Claude on the road above the fair green I wanted to complete the final few meters on board with Claude but I changed my mind. Claude had like me a narrow escape when his turntable cracked descending down a slope going onto the fair green narrowly avoiding a major accident. Check out Claude's story in the video below!!